Sports Turf
Whether you manage a professional sports field or a little league baseball diamond, Sierra Pacific Turf Supply has products and tools needed to keep your playing surfaces looking their best. We have everything from grass seed and fertilizers to paint and Turface.
Looking for a specific product label? Check out the Crop Data Management Systems, Inc. Site (CDMS) to find exactly what you are looking for.

One of the best ways to maintain a healthy, pest free lawn is to properly fertilize the lawn. The proper ratio of NPK with minor nutrients can help your turf remain healthy, green and pest free all year.

Field Prep
In addition to everything needed to keep the grass looking excellent, there are many other items to finish off the field, include Turface Products, Dolomark, field paint, and irrigation tools.

There are a wide range of products to choose from depending on your need and use site. Sierra Pacific Turf Supply offers a full-line of herbicide products including pre and post emerge products, with or with a fertilizer carrier and selective and non-selective products as well.

Grass Seed
This is perhaps the most important factor in determining success or failure when growing grass, regardless of use site or purpose. Spend some time with our Sierra Pacific Turf Supply experts to determine which seed is best suited for your needs.

Available as either sprayable or granular, when needed, consult your Sierra Pacific Turf Supply team member to help select the proper product and formulation for your need.

Proper identification of insects is the first step in a successful management program. Contact your Sierra Pacific Turf Supply expert for the correct product based on season, turf type and use site.

Soil Surfactants
Water savings and water placement are key factors when it comes to selecting the right soil surfactant. There are many different brand names on the market today so please contact your Sierra Pacific Turf Supply team member for expect advice of which product is best suited for your situation.

Organic fertilizers, Bio-stimulants & Soil Amendments
The key to a healthy plant is a healthy soil and Sierra Pacific Turf Supply can help you with both. We carry “best in class” products to help you establish and maintain your turf and ornamentals in an environmental friendly, sustainable manner.

Miscellaneous Chemicals
We offer a full line of spray surfactants, foaming or anti foaming agents and other miscellaneous chemicals. Contact us today if you are looking for something specific.

If you have a lake or pond, you know how important it is to keep those areas weed free as well as looking and smelling nice. We have products that will help your aquatic program be a success year after year. From herbicides to lake dyes to our WeeDrone 120 Aquatic Applicator, contact Sierra Pacific Turf Supply or more information on products we offer.